SM Healing Hands Wellness Center

At SM Healing Hands Wellness Center, we specialize in providing natural healing treatments for children and adults facing a range of health challenges. Our services support individuals with autism, PANDAS/PANS, anxiety, depression, weight issues, sleep disorders, attention and focus difficulties, gut disorders, as well as autoimmune and skin conditions like thyroid issues and eczema.

We understand that raising a child with complex needs can be overwhelming. During difficult times, seeking support from other parents, support groups, or healthcare professionals can make all the difference. Our center is dedicated to helping families navigate these challenges, offering holistic treatments to improve overall health and quality of life for both children and adults.


At SM Healing Hands Wellness Center, our mission is to take a whole-body approach to natural health and healing, empowering individuals to achieve optimal wellness. We are dedicated to educating those we serve, providing them with the knowledge and resources to make informed, healthier decisions for life. Through personalized, holistic care, we strive to support lasting healing and help each person live a vibrant, balanced life.

About Us
a family having dinner


Begin your loved one's journey through the road to healing in the most natural yet effective way. SM Healing Hands Wellness Center's services will help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

young lady carrying a child

Our Approach to Health

We develop a comprehensive approach to you or a loved one's healing process.

two ladies browsing the internet with their laptop
an old special lady and her doctor

New Patient Paperwork

If you want to become a patient, please provide your full name, date of birth, email address and phone number through the Message Us Klara Box on the bottom-right of the website.